Saturday, February 2, 2013

Chasper's sister - PADI Open Water Diver

How many of us dive professionals have the chance to dive with the family or how many of us have the chance to teach the family how to dive? I guess Chasper from Calypso Diving is one of the lucky ones. Recently he assisted in PADI Open Water Diver Course in which his own sister was the student? How about that? Not only he Lives his Scuba Dream but now his sister is getting hooked in to diving too. Here in this picture she already interacts with cute little fishes during her open water training dives.

Sharing alternate source is one of the very important skills to master in PADI Open Water Diver Course. Here in this picture under the direct supervision of PADI Instructor Chasper and his sister are sharing the octopus while swimming. Important thing to remember while performing this exercise is to hold hands and keep an eye contact on the low on air diver. It looks like our student divers did a great job with this skill. Open water dives are coming up next!

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