Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Safety First - Surface Marker Buoy

 Every diver sooner or later will find out that having some sort of signaling surface device after finishing the dive is a must! How many times divers are caught in a strong current, missed the boat and suddenly end up in the blue. A whistle may not be enough. Surface Marker Buoy (SMB) or Delayed Surface Marker Buoy (DSMB) comes in yellow or orange and also different sizes. They can very easily fit in to any standard BCD pocket. Once deployed from underwater or surface SMB can be spotted by a boat crew from very far.

Lift Bag from Surface Marker is very popular among technical divers. They come in different sizes of 25kg and 65kg. Every tec diver must be prepared for the worst therefore having additional emergency lift or support while making long drift deco stops is very important. No short cuts in technical diving. These lift bags fit very easily in to most of shorts with pockets.

Dry Bags are very useful for every diver while boat diving. Long boat day trips, unpredictable weather, rain, storms can ruin all our electronics like cell phone, ipad or some books. The bags are very stylish, simple and definitely 100% water proof. Even when going to the beach for a nice sun bath having one of those is very recommended. Remember that not only the water but also the sand can get inside our valuable electronics. With Dry Bag your worries are over.

Also available, Finger Spool, Pocket Buoy & Webbing Deployment System

All mentioned Surface Marker products are available in all Asia Divers branches.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Chasper's sister - PADI Open Water Diver

How many of us dive professionals have the chance to dive with the family or how many of us have the chance to teach the family how to dive? I guess Chasper from Calypso Diving is one of the lucky ones. Recently he assisted in PADI Open Water Diver Course in which his own sister was the student? How about that? Not only he Lives his Scuba Dream but now his sister is getting hooked in to diving too. Here in this picture she already interacts with cute little fishes during her open water training dives.

Sharing alternate source is one of the very important skills to master in PADI Open Water Diver Course. Here in this picture under the direct supervision of PADI Instructor Chasper and his sister are sharing the octopus while swimming. Important thing to remember while performing this exercise is to hold hands and keep an eye contact on the low on air diver. It looks like our student divers did a great job with this skill. Open water dives are coming up next!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Live the Scuba Dream with Chasper - PADI Rescue Diver Course

The winner of Live the Scuba Dream, Chasper from Switzerland looks very busy during his PADI Rescue Diver Course at Calypso Diving from Boracay. In this picture Chasper is performing in-water rescue breathing while towing the unconscious diver! This is one of the most important skills to master in the Rescue course where providing the in-water ventilation as soon as possible may actually save life of the victim. PADI Rescue course is full of emergency situations that student divers need to master in order to get more confidence and act when necessary.

Tired Diver Tow or Push is a very useful skill from the PADI Rescue course. How often divers get cramps after the diving? I think a lot and helping them to get to the shore or boat safely means a lot. Please remember to do this skill correctly the rescuer and the tired diver should be positively buoyant to make it easier so make sure that the first thing to do is to inflate the BCD. In this picture rescue student Mimie is performing tired diver push on Chasper which may be easier for rescuers who are smaller than the victims.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Asia Divers - Proud Sponsor of Live the Scuba Dream Competition by Calypso Diving from Boracay

'Don't dream your life! Live your dream!' - these are the words of Chasper from Switzerland who just won the 2012 Competition of Live the Scuba Dream by Calypso Diving from Boracay, Philippines. Asia Divers Dive Supply is very proud to be one of the sponsors of this extraordinary competition. Chasper has won complete set of Cressi dive equipment, complete PADI Course Package from beginner to professional and accommodation. The total prize money reached amazing $10,000!!! Asia Divers wishes Chasper the very best in his new diving career. May the Cressi equipment serve you well for many years. Please take care of the dive equipment and the equipment will take care of you!

You can read more about the Live the Scuba Dream on this blog: