Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Safety First - Surface Marker Buoy

 Every diver sooner or later will find out that having some sort of signaling surface device after finishing the dive is a must! How many times divers are caught in a strong current, missed the boat and suddenly end up in the blue. A whistle may not be enough. Surface Marker Buoy (SMB) or Delayed Surface Marker Buoy (DSMB) comes in yellow or orange and also different sizes. They can very easily fit in to any standard BCD pocket. Once deployed from underwater or surface SMB can be spotted by a boat crew from very far.

Lift Bag from Surface Marker is very popular among technical divers. They come in different sizes of 25kg and 65kg. Every tec diver must be prepared for the worst therefore having additional emergency lift or support while making long drift deco stops is very important. No short cuts in technical diving. These lift bags fit very easily in to most of shorts with pockets.

Dry Bags are very useful for every diver while boat diving. Long boat day trips, unpredictable weather, rain, storms can ruin all our electronics like cell phone, ipad or some books. The bags are very stylish, simple and definitely 100% water proof. Even when going to the beach for a nice sun bath having one of those is very recommended. Remember that not only the water but also the sand can get inside our valuable electronics. With Dry Bag your worries are over.

Also available, Finger Spool, Pocket Buoy & Webbing Deployment System

All mentioned Surface Marker products are available in all Asia Divers branches.